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Chil Sarith


Chil Sarith

I have polio, but I can do simple jobs. I use a wheelchair and crawl.

When I was young, I wanted to be a business woman. When I grew up, I wanted to be a seamstress. My dream changed. Now I struggle with my job.

I feel very happy within myself since I came to CHA. I feel different now than I felt before. I can do my job now. Before, I could do nothing.

I came to CHA because I got a job and I had hope and now I am happy.

I hope that in the future I will get a good job after I learn at CHA.

I will stay at CHA until I have self confidence.

My family encouraged me and I wanted to come to CHA.

My favorite part is that I get to be a seamstress and I get to live at CHA.

My dream is that I want to have a job with a salary even though it isn’t much. I want to see my family have happiness and live in peace.

©2023 by Cambodian Handicraft Association

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